

A team of financial planners with a focus on risk reduction and increased income in retirement

Founded by a couple of normal guys who love their family and want to help others live the retirement they've worked hard for!

Andrew Riis


Andrew Riis is a Securities licensed advisor at Plan Wise. He focuses on helping pre-retirees and retirees within his community and across the country plan for their dream retirement. He has been in the financial services business since 2006 and has a strong background in retirement planning.


His professional journey reflects a diverse skill set. Having begun his career in traditional insurance planning at State Farm, Andrew transitioned into roles encompassing marketing, wholesaling, and client wealth management and planning. This breadth of experience has endowed Andrew with a distinctive viewpoint, enabling him to discern opportunities and devise solutions from various perspectives.


Andrew’s passion lies in guiding clients toward realizing their aspirations. “My favorite part of this industry is showing my clients ways that their dreams can become a reality. So many folks I meet with don’t have a plan for their goals – I learned a long time ago that hope is not an adequate course of action; you’ve got to have a plan!” He stated, “My job is to review the entirety of a client’s situation, to understand who they are, what makes them tick, and to provide clear, accurate, and concise recommendations that align with their goals and objectives.”


As a devoted family man, Andrew cherishes time with his wife Krystle and their six children in Indianapolis. They bond over shared interests such as gardening, archery, and family movie nights every Friday at 5. Additionally, they actively engage with their community through Redeemer Bible Church in Greenwood, Indiana, where Andrew contributes his musical talent by playing bass guitar on the worship team.


Andrew has been a resident of Indianapolis since 2017 after he and his family relocated from Aurora, Colorado. He received his Bachelor of Humanities degree from Maranatha Baptist University in 2008.

Richy Hirtle


Richy has always had a desire to work toward a higher purpose. It is because of that that he joined the United States Air Force shortly after high school. After his almost decade-long military career, Richy immersed himself in the world of finances, focusing on retirees and their goals in retirement.

  • Married High School sweetheart, Hannah in 2009
  • Enlisted in USAF in 2008 - Separated as Staff Sergeant in 2014 (hence the Veteran’s beard) where he started working in the Financial Industry
  • 3 kids Tytus (10), Tayden (8), Teryk (5)
  • Hobbies: Anything family, basketball, fishing, building things/DIY projects at home, Church (ITown)

why we started plan wise

In short, to help more people like our own parents.

It all started when Richy took his own parents through the Plan Wise Process which enabled them to retire at age 55 and travel the US.  Without this plan, it would not have been possible and they would have had to keep working.

So many others are in this exact situation - you've worked hard, made some good decisions along the way, and you've built a nice nest-egg to retire off of...but you've got questions and concerns and you need help you can rely on.

Not just throw-a-dart-at-a-board help, but real, by the numbers help to show you exactly where you are and where you could be in easy to understand terms.

So, when we look at you, we are looking at our own parents and that motivates us to do what we do everyday. 

We are committed to doing what's right for you and leading by integrity every step of the way.

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